You might be surprised but even people who have a poor credit rating can also qualify for a brand new credit card. Now before you quality for a credit card with your poor history you need to first make yourself familiar with all the options open to you. You definitely don't want to get the wrong card and you want to make sure that you are protected against fraud and other inaccuracies that can come up with the use of credit.
The first thing you should know is that these credit cards often have high interest rates. This is a simple fact that you are going to have to simply live with. You also need to remember that trust is a big part of the credit card business so once the company trusts you, you will be able to ask for an interest rate that is lower. In order to do so you need to be able to pay off your credit card regularly. These credit cards also offer a balance transfer facility. This essentially means that your credit rating will improve and you can get right on track with improving your credit.
You are probably already anxious to know how you can get your hands on one of these credit cards? Your first step is to do some research about the different cards that are offered to people who have a bad credit history. You an start by applying for a few of them online, you can also printout their application form. If you have really bad credit or if you start to get denied by a lot of companies, I can recommend looking for a secured card. This will help you to get started.
Facts About Credit Cards of This Type
1. You can work towards a better credit rating by using them and paying them off.
2. You still have a level of security when you are having financial difficulty.
3.You can convert a poor credit card into a regular one if you pay off your cards regularly.
Issues With Using These Cards
1. High interest rates.
2. Low limits.
3. High fees.
If you want to effectively use credit cards for no credit, make sure to pay them off completely each month. Combine this strategy with Bank One signature loans for maximum credit building effectiveness. |
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