Friday, May 1, 2009

REITs and Real Estate Mutual Funds Investing– Think Long Term by: Robert Shumake

If you are new to investing and are not sure what you should do when you should do it and how you should do it when it comes to stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other offerings on wall street, here's a great piece of advice – think long term.

Many people make the mistake of thinking the stock market should be played like a game that at every turn they need to be buying or selling something. But this is not the way it needs to be. In fact, in many cases those who are always trying to buy and sell investments end up losing more in the long run.

Pick a Field

The first thing you should do is choose a playing field for your investments. In today's market times it is important that you choose a field that has staying power. This is why many people are looking into the arena of real estate.

While real estate is having the same ups and downs as the other markets out there, it is also one of the only markets that are founded on something tangible. While real estate values can fluctuate, they cannot disappear. There is always grounding on a tangible piece of property that offers this particular market a little more stability.

Think Long-Term

One of the major mistakes new investors make is they think they need to keep buying and selling every time their investments change value. This is not the case. If you choose good investments they will yield long-term results. That means you need to leave your money in and let it grow. This will also lessen the fees you have to pay to buy and sell.

You should begin your research by looking at the longevity of REITs and real estate mutual funds and look at how they have performed over the long run. What happens in the short run is not the goal. Instead, you want to know that in 5 years, 10 years or 20 years when you go back and look at that investment you will be able to see the results you were hoping for.

When you are beginning your research, it can seem daunting. There is so much out there to sort through when it comes to investing, where should you look? Start by looking at a site that is focused on real estate mutual funds ands REITs like the first and only online brokerage that specializes in REITs and real estate mutual funds.

This specialization means when you go onto their website to do your research you are not going to have to sort through other investment industries, but can find just what you need in a timely manner. They also have a news feed that focuses on market news impacting specifically the real estate investing market.

Additionally, once you know what you want and have done your research, you can make your purchases and watch your portfolio on their site, as they are a full service online brokerage.

About The Author

Robert Shumake's mission is to inform the public about mortgage fraud and real estate scams and to provide tips on how to avoid being a victim. "Sometimes people will commit identity theft to obtain a housing loan, sell someone else's house or take over someone else's property," says Shumake. "It is my goal to inform the public on how to protect themselves from being victims of this crime."

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